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Furniture maintenance to do so, greatly extend the service life!

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Furniture maintenance to do so, greatly extend the service life!

Date of release:2018-07-27 Author: Click:

Furniture maintenance to do so, greatly extend the service life!

After the home decoration is finished, look at the home you like, it seems that they will take good care of, not easily damaged. But in real daily life, furniture will inevitably be stained, scratched or even cracked. This not only seems to be detrimental to the beauty, but also affects the service life.

How to Maintain Daily Furniture after Decoration

1. White desktops or chairs at home are easy to get dirty, and it is not easy to wipe dirty marks with a rag after a long time. So let's try putting toothpaste on a clean rag and gently wiping it off. Because the grinding powder in toothpaste has a strong ability to decontaminate. In addition, remember not to exert too much force during the wiping process, otherwise it will damage the paint film.

2. The rattan or bamboo products will accumulate dirt when they are used for a long time. They can be scrubbed with salt water to remove dirt and make them flexible and resilient.

3. Sometimes, burners such as cigarette ends, soot or unburned matches will fall on the paint surface of furniture carelessly, leaving a burnt mark. For this, if only the paint burns, you can use toothpicks to wrap a layer of fine hard cloth, first gently wipe off the marks and then apply a layer of wax, the scorch can be removed.

4. Wooden furniture or floor may appear some cracks after a long time. In fact, this can be repaired by oneself without replacing the whole. First we cut up the old newspaper and add some alum. Boil it into paste with water or rice soup, then use a knife to insert it into the crack and smooth it. When it dries, it will be very strong. With the same color of paint on the back surface, the furniture can be restored to its original appearance.

5. Hot water cups or plates are directly placed on the surface of furniture paint, leaving a circle of white scalding marks. Usually it only needs to be wiped with kerosene, alcohol, dew or strong tea on the rag. Some of the more stubborn ones need to be gently wiped with iodine liquor, or can be coated with Vaseline oil, and wiped with a cloth every two days to eliminate it.

2. How to maintain the sofa after decoration of the new house

First of all, it should be avoided that rain or excessive humidity can cause the expansion and relaxation of the leather surface, loss of elasticity, or cause fading, discoloration or mildew of the leather. If the humidity is high, we can use the weak sun from 8 to 10 in the morning to irradiate for 7 days, one hour a day, about 3 months.

Secondly, the sofa should be placed away from 5-10 mm to maintain ventilation. When the paint on the wooden armrest bleaches due to excessive contact with high humidity objects, cover the bleached area with a damp hot towel until it fades.

Thirdly, it is necessary to avoid the contact surface with sharp angles or cutters and to prevent scratching of the fabric. The sofa is laid on the flat ground, and cushions are laid at the bottom of the four corners as far as possible to prevent damage to the floor when moving.

Then, it should be avoided that the long sunshine exposure to the sofa causes the leather fabric to deform and lose its elasticity. When sofa movable parts are not flexible or metal parts and connectors are loosened, the connecting screw should be tightened or lubricating oil should be properly added.

Guizhou Meiyi Whole Home Co., Ltd.

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